Monday, April 25, 2011

Poetry Bus: EASTER BASH:

Excess Drenching of colored POSSIBILITIES-
landing south, with Family!

Eager for ART, Photo's, Statuary-
anything Spring: in the city of NYC !!!

Addiction to walking, listening, GREED-
of Food and Mood- come along, WITH ME....

Let's GO, Lets GO! my youngster SCREAMS
Tugging Onward, Follow, LEAD-

Easter ,Tulips, Parks AND GREEN
We're OFF, WE'RE OFF -
To find some SCENES!

On the Train and off at last,
CROWDS of People
Bright and FAST...

Talking LOUD-
All Languages not understood-
No matter, no matter

It's All GOOD!

Fashion,BRIGHT, Flowers Bundled
Daylight, Puddles, Weaving to:

a Fabulous Play, On BROADWAY

Famous: Elvis, Carl Perkins
 Jerry Lee Lewis & Johnny Cash!

Songs with Piano, GEETARs,
Cello, BRASS-
All with Drums, to make Us CLAP!

Rompin', Stompin
Million Dollar SPLASH-

'Til Hours later, wandering home,
Finally winding down: TO CRASH...


Ruth said...

All those words in CAPS made me smile! Nice one. :-)

NanU said...

whew! wow. for Easter my family used to have Mass and an egg-hunt...

Helen said...

Yee Haw!

Lolamouse said...

Sounds great! We're going to NYC this weekend, and now I really can't wait!

Enchanted Oak said...

Oh, what a galloping ride through NYC! I like the CAPS! You caught it!!!!

Shanae Branham said...

Great poem. I felt like I was there. I'm glad I came over from g-man's 55 even though I'm a little late.

Click here to check my 55 out

Doctor FTSE said...

Excesses of everything, what?

Pete Goulding said...

Sounds like a whirlwind weekend. Great use of Caps. Must pretend mine are deliberate when I accidentally leave them on!

Karen said...

Since I'm late getting here, I can only echo what everyone else has said. Terrific trip through the city!

Shanae Branham said...

Wow! Sorry to hear about your father. I loved your phrase play with the words..."he was one of many dominoes that fell before my mirrors."

Padhraig Nolan said...

What a whirlwind. I'm there!

Totalfeckineejit said...

A rumbunctious infectious roustabout of a ride!BRILLO!