Sunday, March 27, 2011

Poetry Bus,3/26/11 " What it is not

It is not a fairy tale
or Broadway play.

A "Warmer" clue: It was not just
in Black and White.

Animal, Vegetable, Mineral  ?
Nonexclusive;  all and even more:

Not a tribute to just one person
It was not just about old men or women,

The events were not all fiction.
It wasn't all sad

or set on Easy Street.
It was not my all time favorite,

But possibly second.


Louise said...

Great take on the prompt Izzy with the week that's in it. I watched the film years ago, no doubt it will be on again now.

Enchanted Oak said...

I'm so dense today. Even with Socks' clue I am clueless. I'll have to return tomorrow.

Pete Goulding said...

I've been racking my brains (I came up with Gone with ther Wind) and then saw the labels on your post. What is it with you and horses? Works well as a poem though!

Jinksy said...

I give up! LOL

Titus said...

Lovely, lovely poem and beautifully underwritten. Looking back now, Taylor seems more a force of nature than a woman. 'Cat On A Hot Tin Roof' is my number 1.

Helen said...

National Velvet ?????

Lolamouse said...

I admit I had no clue what movie it was, but I did figure out it was a movie-do I get partial credit?

izzy said...

Credit all around- "National Velvet".

steveroni said...

She was my VERY first (REAL) love. I dreamed about that "girl-who-talked-with-horses" for MONTHS after I had twice seen the film. She was a DARLING! Elizabeth, please know that I still LOVE (not lust!) YOU, my first forever!


NanU said...

I would have never, ever guessed.
Haven't even seen National Velvet!
Neat poem.

Tess Kincaid said...

You know, I instinctively picked up "National Velvet" at the library the day that Elizabeth Taylor died, and I hadn't yet heard the news.