Friday, March 25, 2011

Flash fiction 55. In my Yard.

I come home to find
A "push me- pull you-"

Do it behind my back !?
Don't you dare.
Be direct and stand square.
Even if you don't stay long.
You can whisper I don't care.
I can pinch, grab an ear-
yank you, shake you
'til sense rolls down;
clear your head and try again.


lime said...

don't rattle too hard or sense may be shaken out for good.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

you give me smiles.
it is not the theme, but the word play make its way here.

have a beautiful time in your yard.

loved your 55.

G-Man said...

You can pull someones ears till they make sense?
I'll have to try that!
Couldn't resist the lure of the 55 could you?
You Rock...
Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End

Steve Isaak said...

Child-wild urge piece. Effective work.

Shanae Branham said...

I enjoyed this poem, but was uncertain of the context surrounding it. You were right about Spring break and kids -- not being a "break" in the usual sense. Basically, it was a break from routine and a week of spontaneous fun..."Just go with it, Mom!" Pretty much was the theme.

Grandma's Goulash said...

Missing microfiction?

I'm hosting a new microfiction meme.
Succinctly Yours
begins on Monday, March 28th. Check out the link for the photo and optional word.
Hope you'll join in.

Belinda Munoz said...

Well, I prefer a direct confrontation myself, but I suppose not everyone does.

Linc said...

I like this, nice and snappy.

knot eye said...

Love hurts...well it does, damn it

Peace, hp

PattiKen said...

If only a good pinch and shake could fix things. And there they are again, those terrible, useless words, "if only."

Nice one.

gautami tripathy said...

I prefer direct!

Here is mine: