Monday, April 11, 2011

Poetry Bus, 4/11/11

I am a crooked line,
the turn and spiral of wool
through fingers, folding onto skeins.
An edge or saturated colors
sailing along a broad horizon
Ink firmly shaping letters 
for expression or signing names
Bold exacting strike of humor
rioting tension by
thunder, rolling on and on.


Brian Miller said...

nice blend of a lot of other crooked lines there...seems i am in good company as a crooked line...

izzy said...

Always good company to be found around here.

Pete Goulding said...

This is a delightful series of snapshots, Izzy, and not a horse in sight. The folding onto skeins line is delightful.
(ps - frimly?)

Jinksy said...

Skeins of wool make a brilliant crooked line... Are you a spinner/knitter?

Louise said...

'the turn and spiral of wool through fingers', is just a beautiful line, lots of crooked imagery throughout, great take on the prompt.

Helen said...

A beautifull collection of crooked lines ..

The Bug said...

I like the imagery in this. "The turn and spiral of wool through fingers..." reminds me of a poem I did once about the three fates. I'll need to dust that thing off & see if it applies to any prompts in the near future.

Niamh B said...

great izzy - the whole thing seems to run together like the line it talks about, I was going to isolate the last 3 lines for praise, since they're so full of movement and music, but then the whole lot is, so it'd be wrong to split it out I think

Totalfeckineejit said...

Interesting, enticing, enigmatic. I likes!